TITAN BASE 16 KG + 1,6 KG base layer for microcement Titan – GRUPA FEST

TITAN BASE 16 KG + 1,6 KG base layer for microcement Titan


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TITAN BASE is a two-component primer for reinforcing the substrate and pasting fiberglass mesh before the application of microcement. Thanks to the use of aggregate with a fraction of about 0.5 mm, the product provides excellent adhesion and durability, creating a solid base for further finishing layers.

TITAN BASE 16 KG + 1.6 KG contains:

  • TITAN BASE 16 KG compound (component A), version L with aggregate fraction of about 0.5 mm
  • TITAN HARDENER 1.6 KG (component B) hardener .

    After mixing these ingredients, you get a ready-to-use mass for reinforcing the substrate.

    You can find the method of use in the technical data sheet of the product.

Properties - why choose TITAN BASE?

  • High adhesion: perfectly combines with a variety of substrates.
  • High hardness: strengthens the substrate, minimizing the risk of cracks.



  • On all kinds of floors (concrete, screeds, gypsum boards).
  • On floors with underfloor heating.
  • Where the substrate requires additional reinforcement.
  • On self-leveling screeds as a base for microcement.

Bet on durability and reliability with TITAN BASE!



DOWNLOAD TITAN BASE - Technical Data Sheet (English)


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TITAN BASE 16 KG + 1,6 KG base layer for microcement Titan
